But as I grew older, I started to see the simplistic narrative flaws of the film. When you're a little kid there's so much to love about this one. I loved Jabba's grimy palace, the awesome music sequence, the rancor battle with Luke, the Ewoks, the final lightsaber battle with Luke and Vader, and the destruction of the final Death Star. Once the movie was over it'd hit rewind and start it from square one. It was the one I watched again and again. I can only imagine how deafening our shrill childish screams were.Īs a child - Return of the Jedi was my favorite Star Wars movie.

Halfway up the stairs, he pulls the tape out of his overcoat pocket. Friday arrived, my dad came home and out of character immediately starting going upstairs - leaving me and my sister in complete suspense if he rented it or not. My sister and I were eager to see it, itching to watch Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca take down the evil Galactic Empire! My dad teased us the entire week that he was going to bring it home after work that Friday. My first real memory of Return of the Jedi was from around when I was 3-years-old and my dad bringing home a rental copy of the movie. However, at roughly 10-months old my parents took me to Return of the Jedi! Well… to be accurate they took my 6-year-old sister to see Return of the Jedi and they brought the infant me along for the ride. I wasn't born in time for The Empire Strikes Back.